We’re alumni of Senator Mitt Romney’s presidential campaigns and we’re voting for Joe Biden this November.
With over 175,000 Americans dead from COVID-19, tens of millions unemployed, and 80 percent of voters convinced that the U.S. is heading in the wrong direction, we desperately need a president that’s laser focused on putting the nation’s needs ahead of his own.
That’s why we’re proud to announce that we’re voting for Vice President Biden—a man we once worked to defeat—this November.
Collectively, we represent nearly every sector of Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign: finance, operations, field, policy, digital, IT, scheduling, events, communications, advance, and more. Some of us are longtime political operatives, others worked only on the 2012 race, motivated by a man we believed uniquely qualified to be our 45th commander-in-chief. When our efforts came up short, we grieved but we never feared for our republic in the way we do today.
What unites us now is a deep conviction that four more years of a Trump presidency will morally bankrupt this country, irreparably damage our democracy, and permanently transform the Republican Party into a toxic personality cult.
We can’t sit by and allow that to happen.
As lifelong Republicans, we came to this conclusion in different ways and at different times. Some of us voted for Trump in 2016, excited for a no-nonsense political outsider to take on the Washington status quo. Many others never supported him to begin with, shocked that a party committed to the ideals of personal responsibility and patriotic duty would nominate someone that so dangerously conflates loyalty to himself with love for country.
Since 2017, the results of that disastrous decision have been on full display for the world to see. Now, with a pandemic crippling our economy and strangling our national spirit, every corner of America is suffering at the hands of President Trump’s erratic, inept, self-absorbed governing style.
Beyond our many domestic crises, America’s collective global challenges demand a president that leads on the world stage, stands by our allies, and confronts our adversaries head-on. Not someone who praises totalitarians that jail journalists, coddles tyrants that persecute religious minorities, and sends love letters to dictators that run modern-day concentration camps.
Those are not the values that made the United States a beacon of hope and freedom around the world—values that are in dangerously short supply in Trump’s warped version of America.
After faithfully serving this country for more than 40 years, Joe Biden is the type of tested leader this moment demands.
Of course, we don’t agree with Joe Biden on every policy. That’s OK. The differences in our political perspectives come from places of honest disagreement and genuine concern. That’s the beauty of America.
As our next president, we know Biden will marshal every resource at his disposal to quash this pandemic and take responsibility for protecting the health and livelihoods of hard-working Americans that are facing personal and financial ruin through no fault of their own.
With a firm grasp on this deadly virus, the Biden-Harris administration will unite a country their predecessors worked at every juncture to divide, reclaim our nation’s hard- won mantle of global leadership, and restore honor and integrity to the Oval Office.
Spending time with Sen. Romney on the campaign trail, from small town stops to massive rallies, in minivans and mega buses, we saw a thoughtful and compassionate man rooted in humility, service, and devotion to his family and fellow citizens. We know Mitt and Joe share those same essential, presidential traits—traits that make Vice President Biden the clear choice to lead the United States through this perilous, uncertain time.
Signed by:
David Nierenberg
National Finance Chair
Vicki Blanton
Director of Scheduling
Erin Bradley
Director, Office of Ann Romney
Brittany Ladd
Director of Advance, Office of Ann Romney
Kristy Campbell
Deputy Communications Director
Robert Morello
Director of Communications-Finance
John Hadlock
North Carolina Deputy State Manager
Mike Sistak
Political Director, Michigan
Judy Gowen
Florida Director of Special Projects
Matt Kilfoyle
Regional Finance Director
John Voith
Romney Finance-Healthcare Lead
Jon Evans
Deputy Director of Content
Jennifer Dodds
Lead Digital Creative Project Manager
Gabriel Schoenfeld
Senior Advisor
Micah Spangler
Field Director
David Boyajian
Senior Trip Coordinator, Advance
Mark Voyger
Advisor on Russia
Emmet O'Neal
Political Desk Coordinator
Joe Greeley
Media Production Manager
Betsy Rupp
Coalitions Coordinator
James Dalthorp
Anthony Golia
Advance Coordinator
Kate Weinstein
Digital Marketing Manager
Priti Kothari
Michigan Coalitions Coordinator
Mike Treiser
National Finance and Business Operations
Mark McNulty
Colin Russ
Digital Events
Breck Denny
Site Advance
Andrew Stern
Software Developer
Barrick Bollman
Mark Hancock
Operations and Advance
Chad Adler
Barb Brady
Chair, Branch County Michigan for Romney
Jill (Neunaber) Rulli
State Director, Iowa
Matt Coote
Traveling Advance Coordinator
Addison Jenkins
Field Director
Jonathan Glick
Vinh Nguyen
Advance Lead
Kaitlin O’Reilly
Regional Finance Director
Megan O’Brien Fuentes
Scheduler for Gov. Mitt Romney
Shandi Elise Barney
Field Director (2008)
Kate Osler
Press Advance
Joe Brezny
Nevada State Director (2008)
Daniel H. Stewart
Nevada Counsel
Rees Porcari
Iowa Door Contact Director
Kate Wesner
Florida Voter Contact Director
Marisa Maleck
Legal Counsel, Election Day Operations